3 February 2006
Today, Mike Penning took Conservative leader, David Cameron, to visit Buncefield to see the devastation resulting from the explosion on 11 December 2005.

Today, Mike Penning took Conservative leader, David Cameron, to visit Buncefield to see the devastation resulting from the explosion on 11 December 2005.

After visiting the site, the group met with local residents and Councillors at Woodhall Farm Community Centre.

David Cameron joined calls for a public inquiry. "We need a proper public inquiry, not one held behind closed doors", he said.

Later David Cameron and Mike Penning met with fire fighters at Hemel Hempstead Fire Station in Queensway where they heard first-hand accounts of their experiences in fighting the fire at Buncefield.

Photo: Mike Penning and David Cameron discussing the situation at Buncefield Oil Depot.