27 May 2005
Mike Penning last week joined The British Red Cross at the launch of their ‘Don’t be a Bystander’ campaign.

A new UK-wide survey conducted for the British Red Cross found that over half (60%) of children who are currently most at risk from road traffic accidents (those aged 9 – 13) do not have enough knowledge of first aid to help themselves and others at the scene of a traffic accident. This summer the Red Cross want to encourage parents to make sure their children learn first aid and become aware of road safety by attending one of their free first aid sessions.” The ‘Don’t be a Bystander’ campaign will begin this summer with 150 free first aid sessions taking place throughout the country at various venues including shopping centres, theme parks, schools, town centres, beaches and parks. Parents will be encouraged to come along with their children to find out more about first aid.

Mike Penning said, “As a fireman I know from first hand experience that having someone with first aid experience helping an injured person before the emergency services arrive saves lives. Research shows that 57% of deaths caused by road accidents happen in the first few minutes after a crash before the emergency services arrive but up to 85% of these deaths could be prevented if first aid was given. I would like to urge all parents to encourage their children to learn first-aid.”

Photo: Mike joined The British Red Cross at the launch of their 'Don't be a Bystander' campaign.