19 January 2006
Mike Penning, calls for the Union Flag to be flown from public buildings daily.

Mike Penning has tabled a motion in the House of Commons calling for the Union Flag to be flown from all public building in the United Kingdom as a demonstration of national confidence and pride.

He said “This country has got a wonderful flag and every Government department should be flying the flag every day. It is a symbol instantly recognised the world-over which Britons past and present have been proud to fight for.”

“In his latest bid to shed his ‘dour Scot’ image and appeal to ‘middle-England’, Gordon Brown called for all Britons to ‘embrace the flag’. If he believes this, he should set an example. He has his own flagpole right in the heart of Westminster at the Treasury. Why doesn’t he use it and fly the Union Flag there?” asked Mike Penning. “This proves he is full of hot air”.

“Tourists visiting the heart of UK Government must be surprised to see so many empty dreary flagpoles in Whitehall,” he continued.