22 May 2006
Hemel Hempstead MP, Mike Penning, demonstrated his support for the British Lung Foundation’s ‘Lungs are for Life’ campaign at a lung health awareness day at the House of Commons.

The ‘Lungs are for Life’ campaign, which culminates during Breathe Easy week (10-17 June 2006), aims to raise awareness of the importance of good lung health for everyone, whilst highlighting that lung disease affects people of all ages.

Lung disease affects more than eight million people in the UK at a cost to the NHS of £2,576 million per year. Respiratory conditions are the most commonly reported long-term illnesses in children. In England, around one in seven boys and one in eight girls aged 2-15 reports a long-term respiratory condition.

Giving his lungs a workout on an exercise bike at the House of Commons, Mr Penning said: “I am delighted to be supporting the British Lung Foundation’s ‘Lungs are for Life’ campaign. Many people don’t realise that lung disease often starts in childhood and can continue into later life. It is really important to look after your lungs and this campaign will help highlight that.”

Dame Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation said: “We are pleased that Mike Penning MP is supporting our campaign. One person in seven in the UK is affected by lung disease – from tiny babies to older adults – and many are severely disabled by their condition. We hope that Mr Penning will be able to take the message back to his constituents and encourage them all to remember that their lungs are for life.”

Anyone who wants more information about the British Lung Foundation or about lung health should visit www.lunguk.org or call the BLF Helpline on 08458 50 20 20.

Photo: Mike Penning, demonstrated his support for the British Lung Foundation’s ‘Lungs are for Life’ campaign.