14 July 2005
Mike Penning MP had his skin checked at a special Molewatch clinic organised by Cancer Research UK recently. The clinic, staffed by dermatologists and specialist skin cancer nurses, was held to promote skin cancer awareness and the importance of SunSmart behaviour this summer.

Mike Penning says: “While we all love the recent beautiful sunny weather we all need to remember the importance of staying safe in the sun. The shocking fact is that sunburn can double your risk of skin cancer so it is especially important to avoid getting sunburnt. Skin cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer and we all have a responsibility to set the right example and protect our children.”

Recent research has shown that the number of young people developing malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, is increasing. This year the SunSmart campaign is focusing on informing young people about the dangers of sunburn through distributing information postcards, a new web based game, and school activities. SunSmart manager Jo Viner Smith says “We know that young people go to beach resorts to holiday in the sun but they could significantly increase their risk of skin cancer by ignoring sun safety advice. Our message is simple: find shade from the summer sun between 11-3, cover up with a T-shirt, hat and sunglasses, and take care not to burn. It could save you from painful sunburn ruining your holiday, as well as your life.”

Visit the website at www.cancerresearchuk.org/sunsmart

Photo: Mike Penning supports the Cancer Research SunSmart campaign.