23 January 2006
Mike Penning has served his time at HMP The Mount, Bovingdon.

Mike Penning joined about 40 other volunteers including David Gauke, MP for South West Herts, local Councillors, Daniel Zammit, Chief Executive of Dacorum Borough Council and even police officers in spending a night at The Mount Prison to raise money for charity.

For those who kindly sponsored Mike, you will be pleased to hear that, despite what he insists was good behaviour, he didn’t get early release and spent the full night behind bars.

Mike helped serve dinner to the ‘Go to Jail’ volunteers which he described as “actually very good”. But he didn’t get a good night’s rest. He said:
“The mattress was very narrow and hard, alarms went off at one point in the early hours and the snoring of my ‘cellmates’ all contributed to a bad night’s sleep!”

“I was very relieved when morning came and the prison officers released us!”

On reflection, Mike said:
“Now that it’s over, it was a great experience and I am happy that I have been able to help raise money for such a worthwhile cause”.

The stunt was organised by The Hospice of St Francis which Mike has designated as his Charity of the Year and it is hoped that the event will have raised between £20,000 and £30,000.

Photo: Mike with David Gauke, MP for SW Herts, at HMP The Mount to raise funds for the Hospice of St Francis.