25 November 2005
Mike Penning told “we just want to get on with the job”.

During a visit to the Parkwood Drive Surgery in Warners End last Friday, GPs told Mike Penning that they were frustrated by the lack of consultation by the Government.

Mike Penning was impressed with the high calibre of our local General Practitioners and the facilities and services on offer. But GPs told him that they were fed up with the constant change and moving targets. All too often they first hear of changes when they are announced on the news without having first been asked if new ideas would work or how they would be paid for.

The Government is now preparing for the launch of yet another white paper on the health service. GPs are concerned about the future of the family doctor and rightly feel that as the frontline health service in our communities they provide a well-respected, top-quality service. Also they say that they deliver great value for money by giving 90% of all NHS consultations on just 10% of the NHS budget.

For generations, the family doctor has been at the heart of our local community and no walk-in centre, telephone helpline or online advice website should be allowed to replace that.

The Labour Government has made a mess of the rest of the health service, so why can't they just leave the GPs alone?

Photo: Mike Penning with Dr Mark Peck, Parkwood Drive Surgery.