26 September 2005
Mike Penning, local Member of Parliament, visited Kings Langley Secondary School in order to celebrate the unique collaborative efforts of all schools in this area.

For some time the Heads of the Secondary Schools and Principal of West Herts College have realised that the success and achievement of all students in the Dacorum area is best served through collaboration between schools, rather than competition which was encouraged during the 90s.

One example of this collaborative effort has been the establishment of a learning partnership for 125 students from all nine secondary schools which encourages individualistic and flexible learning, including work experience, vocational opportunities and development of improved life skills.

Although Kings Langley School has provided the leadership for this project, it has only been successful because of the commitment of all schools working together.

During a recent area-wide inspection of Hertfordshire educational provision, the inspectors commented very positively on the progress made by Dacorum Schools through their collaboration. The mutual trust and open friendship between Head teachers has ensured that leadership of the partnership has resulted in a real improvement in standards for students in our schools.

Additional funding is allowing students better access to a range of courses across all schools and within the College, including a substantial contribution from the European Union.

Gary Lewis, Head teacher Kings Langley Secondary School is delighted with the progress being made and said, "A collaborative effort between schools is ensuring the sharing of excellent practice from which each of our teachers and students are benefiting. Each school celebrates it own unique ethos and culture and this provides an excellent foundation for a really exciting venture in the coming years. Colleagues in all of our Dacorum schools are committed to maintaining and improving standards for all of our youngsters and we feel that the future looks very bright indeed."

Mike Penning MP added, "I am proud to have visited Kings Langley Secondary School again and excited by the way the Head teachers within Dacorum are all working together; to not only ensure the progress of all students, but also to benefit the community of Dacorum as well. I will do everything I can to support all of the schools in this fantastic project."

Photo: Mike with Gary Lewis, Head teacher.