8 December 2021
Sir Mike Penning presents road-safety petition to Parliament

Sir Mike Penning, MP for Hemel Hempstead, presented a petition to Parliament signed by 1,131 residents of Bennetts End calling for a pedestrian crossing on Bennetts End Road following recent accidents near The Reddings Primary School. 

Suliman Rafiq presents the Bennetts End Road road safety petition to Sir Mike Penning MP

Local residents are petitioning Parliament to provide funding to Hertfordshire County Council to install a permanent pedestrian crossing at the location. The petition was organised by Suliman Rafiq and the Bennetts End Road Safety Group. Suliman met with Sir Mike in his constituency office last month to hand the petition over. 

Sir Mike read the petition to Parliament and then put the petition “in the bag” – literally a green bag hanging on the back of the Speaker’s Chair – as is tradition. 

It is believed this is where the phrase “it’s in the bag” comes from. 

Speaking afterwards, Sir Mike said: 

“I absolutely support this petition – I signed it myself – and I will pursue this for the people of Bennetts End. I commend the work of Suliman Rafiq and the Bennetts End Road Safety Group in securing over a thousand signatures. There is tremendous support and the backing of local Councillors.” 

The petition will now go to the relevant Government Department and the Government will provide a written response. 

Sir Mike Penning MP speaking in the House of Commons